Title: The grey Grey Cloud
Author: Manjula Naraynan
Genre: Children
Publisher: AuthorHouse (February 22, 2010)
Pages: 32
ISBN: 978-1449085070
From Goodreads:
Have you heard about a
little, grey Grey cloud that lives up in the skies? He was such a
crybaby, crying whenever he was sad or scared. And he kept crying,
thinking of sad and scary things - until he found his silver lining.
I received this book for review and was sadly disappointed. The grey Grey Cloud is about a little cloud (who looks quite angry and mean in my opinion) who is scared and needs to find his silver lining. The ultimate idea of the story is a good one, however, the execution definitely missed the mark...for several reasons. The illustrations were, well, not good. Not good at all. In addition, certain story elements were completely wrong for a children's book. The little cloud's "fairy godmother" teaches the cloud not to be scared of weather elements (lightning, thunder, darkness, etc). The story goes on to teach that lightning and thunder scare away the mean witches and goblins. I completely disagree with the approach the author took in incorporating the witches and goblins. I just kept thinking how not kid-friendly it was and how it might frighten a child. The final thing I could not get passed in this story was the several grammatical errors. No book is perfect and a grammatical error is bound to slip by once in a while, BUT! The story is only 32 pages with few words to each page and there should be no errors in my opinion. And in this case, there were several! Therefore, I can only give this book 1 star.
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