
Review: Orion You Came...

Title: Orion You Came and You Took All My Marbles
Author: Kira Henehan
Publisher: Milkweed, May 4 2010
ISBN: 978-1571310750

Finley, the narrator, tells the readers about an investigation through the premise of a written report. The investigation centers around a Professor and certain information that is unclear to the reader. This story was a little confusing. If I had to describe this book in one word, it'd be unique.  The sentence structure was very odd and choppy and I didn't understand the flow and lack of details and background information. Perhaps other readers will find this book to be a great read, but it was just not my taste.


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Lauren Holbrook has found her life's calling: matchmaking for the romantically challenged. And with the eclectic cast of characters in her world, there's tons of potential to play "connect the friends."

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